Friday, January 30, 2009

Title: Spicy Eggplant

3 - small eggplants
6 T vegetable oil
1 T ground coriander
1 t chili powder
1/4 t turmeric
1 - green chili, finely chopped
3 - large onions, thinly sliced
3 - cloves garlic, crushed
1/2 C grated unsweetened coconut
2 - lemons, juice and pulp
1 t salt
1 - bay leaf
1 t toasted sesame seeds, crushed
1 C water
1 t mustard seeds
1 t brown sugar
2 T fresh cilantro, chopped

Cut the eggplants in quarters lengthwise. Brown them in 4 tablespoons of the hot oil. Remove from skillet and set aside.

In remaining 2 tablespoons of oil, fry the coriander, chili powder, turmeric, green chili, onions, and garlic for 5 minutes. Add coconut and fry another 2-3 minutes. Put in the lemon juice and pulp, salt, bay leaf, sesame seeds, and water. Stir well.

Add eggplant quarters. Cover and simmer until eggplant is very tender and sauce is thickened. Add brown sugar and mustard seeds which have been fried in a little oil until they pop.

Mix well an garnish with cilantro.

From A Taste of India

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