Friday, January 16, 2009

Title: Blancmange

2/3 C cashews
1 C water
1 - pitted date
0 - dash of salt
2 C almond milk
1/2 C sugar
3 T agar flakes
1/2 t almond extract
1/4 t vanilla extract
1 lb. grapes

Lightly oil a 3-cup mold and set it aside.

First make the cashew cream. Grind the cashews in a coffee grinder. Transfer to the blender and add the water, date, and salt. Process for 1-2 minutes until the liquid is smooth and creamy. Measure 1 cup of the cashew cream and put it into the 3 quart saucepan.

Add the almond milk, sugar, agar flakes, and almond and vanilla extracts. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Watch closely so the mixture doesn't boil over. Turn the heat down to medium and simmer gently for 10 minutes, stirring frequently with a wire whip to thoroughly dissolve the agar. pour into the prepared mold and refrigerate for 8-12 hours, until thoroughly chilled.

Unmold onto a serving platter and serve with the grapes.

From Nut Gourmet

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